我找到手机了!哈哈哈哈仰天长笑! “被发现了?” “越过这个话题,我们还是好兄弟!” 南栀拍拍北凉的肩。 “谁要做你兄弟……”北凉小声嘀咕:“我要做你媳妇……” “你说什么?”北凉声音太小,南栀没有听清。 “没什么……” “他俩,怎么回事?”南栀努努嘴。 “琉小年月考下滑八名,八名哎!”北凉摇摇头:“你弟给他补习呐。” 又补上一句:“别告诉左倾,他会打断琉年的腿。” “这么可怕?” “嗯哼。”北凉点点头:“琉年是左倾招进来的。” “当时琉年才十五六,怕琉年高考失误,还特意找的恒思请假,让琉年好好学习。” “说到底,左倾有点愧疚……” “愧疚?” “嗯。琉年年纪小,不被看好。甚至因为软萌的长相和性格招来一批黑粉。”北凉像是笑了一下:“左倾觉得都是他的错。” 没想到左倾看起来吊儿郎当的,还……听有责任感。 “你这什么表情?”北凉如临大敌:“他有温玖了!” 南栀:mmp哟! …… “这个,这一段,你翻译一下。” “china is the homeland of tea. it is believed that china has tea- shrubs as early as five to six thousand years ago,and human cultivation of teaplants can date back two thousand years. tea from china,along with her silk and porcelain, began to be known the world over more than a thousand years ago and has since always been an important chinese export. at present more than forty countries in the world grow tea with asian countries producing 90% of the worlm.XtJiDiAn.COM